Rekord ved the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2022 - MagaCin
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Rekord ved the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2022

I år indsamlede 93.456 motorcyklister hvad der svarer til seks millioner amerikanske dollars
15/06-2022 kl. 06:00
Anslået læsetid: 3 Minutter

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride – eller DGR i daglig tale – havde efter det foregående event siden starten i 2012 indsamlet imponerende $31,6 mio. til velgørende formål.
Arrangementet som efter to års fravær i år blev afviklet 22. Maj imponerede ved at sprænge alle grænser for indsamling i forbindelse med det verdensomspændende arrangement.

Søndag hvor indsamlingen sluttede, kunne DGR notere sig en ny rekord, da 93.456 motorcyklister fra 802 byer fordelt på 104 lande over hele verden havde indsamlet, hvad der svarer til næsten seks millioner amerikanske dollars.
Det fortæller eventens officielle samarbejdspartner Triumph Motorcycles, som derudover oplyser, at eventen siden starten i 2012 har samlet mere end 400.000 motorcyklister på klassiske og vintage motorcykler fra 144 lande, som altså nu i alt har indsamlet imponerende mere end 37 mio. dollars.

Vi bøjer nakken i respekt, tipper med hatten, vrider moustachens ender i fornøjelse, og klapper højlydt i hænderne.
Det er fan’eme godt gået.

Udover billederne i galleriet over artiklen, er det måske også værd at kaste et blik på the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Facebook profil, hvor der også kan ses en masse fantastiske billeder fra hele verden.

Se også den specielle Triumph Bonneville T120 1959 Legends Custom Edition, som overdrages kvit og frit til den person, der noteres for den største indsamling i forbindelse med årets Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride.

Se den fulde pressemeddelelsen herunder.


On May 22nd, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride took place all over the world, breaking all fundraising records from the previous editions.

On May 22nd 2022, after two years of social distancing and solo riding, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride took place worldwide in its pre-covid format, breaking all previous editions’ fundraising records.

On Sunday 5th June, when the fundraising closed, a new fundraising record for The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was established: 93,456 riders in 802 cities, spread across 104 countries, dressed dapper and rode their classic motorcycles raising close to 6M USD to support prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.

Compared to the last pre-covid edition, in 2019, the DGR 2022 have raised 4% more whilst, compared to last year’s event, the fundraising figure is 47% higher.

Since its first edition in 2012, the event has gathered more than 400,000 riders of classic and vintage styled motorcycles from 114 countries around the world and raised more than $37 million USD for men’s health.

Triumph have been proudly supporting The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride for the last nine editions and for 2022 Triumph and Gibson Guitars have joined forces to provide the incredible prizes, among which a one-off T120 Gibson edition that will be assigned to the highest fundraiser, together with a Triumph-customized 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue.

Next year’s edition will mark the 10th anniversary of Triumph supporting The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride as main partner and sponsor and for the occasion Triumph and DGR fans will have something stunning coming their way.

Mark Hawwa – DGR Founder “What an incredible return to group riding! There really is nothing better than seeing the tens-of-thousands of gentlefolk smiling and waving their way through city streets, in support of prostate cancer research and men’s mental health. It’s something we have missed dearly over the last two years. Our community returned with vigour this year with the top 3 global fundraisers raising more than any previous year, which we have been proud to reward with the support of our global partner, Triumph Motorcycles. The next year will be one to watch, as we celebrate 10 years together with Triumph Motorcycles in spectacularly sartorial style!”

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