Små og mellemklasse Triumph skal produceres i Indien
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Triumph og Bajaj samarbejde

Vi får måske væsentligt billigere mellemklasse Triumph'er i Europa.
Steffen Olesen
25/01-2020 kl. 13:00

Det er ikke verdens største nyhed, at den engelske motorcykelproducent Triumph og indiske Bajaj har indgået en samarbejdsaftale. For konstellationen blev allerede offentligt kendt i 2017.

Men i går annoncerede parterne at samarbejdet fremover intensiveres. Det betyder i praksis ikke blot at der fremover skal produceres mindre Triumph modeller i Bajaj's produktionsfaciliteter i Pune – Indien, men også at Bajaj fremover vil varetage distribution og markedsføring i Asien for det hæderkronede engelske mærke.

Den velinformerede ved, at flere af de helt store motorcykelproducenter har indgået lignende udenlandske samarbejdsaftaler, da det asiatiske marked for motorcykler er gigantisk og produktions omkostningerne favorable. Selv at brand så stærkt som Harley-Davidson har indgået en samarbejdsaftale vedrørende den kommende Baby-Harley.

Hvilke Triumph modeller der skal produceres er endnu ikke offentliggjort, men i den officielle pressemeddelelse udsendt d. 24. Januar nævnes der motorstørrelser i spændet 200cc til 750cc.

Hvornår de første indiske producerede Triumph modeller ruller af samlebåndet står endnu uklart, men mindst en enkelt model med relativt lille motor skulle angiveligt være i den sidste test fase.

Vi gætter på, at de første og mindste modeller – som formentlig produceres i første omgang – er forbeholdt det asiatiske marked, men et rigtigt godt bud er, at vi får de første mellemklasse modeller at se i 2022.

Eventuelt motorcykler der efterfølgende kunne lanceres på det europæiske marked til en rigtig fornuftig pris?

Her indvender den skarpe læser måske, at indisk producerede motorcykler ikke kan godkendes under den strikse europæiske miljølovgivning, men påstanden møder et stærkt modargument.

Inderne er nemlig på lige fod med andre nationer i fuld sving med at revidere de nationale bestemmelser.

Det bliver spændende at se hvad det indisk – engelske samarbejde fører til.

Se uddrag af pressemeddelelsen herunder.


Pune, 24 January 2020: Triumph Motorcycles and Bajaj Auto India have today formally commenced their exciting, long term, non-equity partnership in Pune, India. This is a unique moment, where two world-class companies that are passionate, as well as product focused, are coming together to build a brand-new range of mid-capacity motorcycles. 

The partnership will see the two companies with their respective strengths in large and small capacity motorcycles collaborate to design, engineer, and manufacture a range of midcapacity motorcycles. 

The iconic Triumph brand will seek to further expand its global reach, with the partnership offering a new mid-sized sector opportunity and, importantly, a new entry point to several highvolume emerging markets, including India and other Asian markets. 

The strategic partnership will benefit both parties with Bajaj becoming one of Triumph’s key distribution partners in crucial new markets for the Triumph brand around the globe. Going forward Bajaj will take over Triumph’s Indian distribution activities, at a date yet to be confirmed, leveraging the great expertise that Bajaj has in this region. In their other key overseas markets, where Triumph is not currently present, Bajaj will represent Triumph and offer the new mid capacity bikes as part of the full Triumph line-up.  In all other markets where Triumph is present today, the motorcycles developed together from this partnership will join the current Triumph product portfolio and be distributed by the Triumph led dealer network worldwide. This will truly unlock the potential on a global scale.  

The Triumph-Bajaj collaboration will combine strengths in design, technology, costcompetitive manufacturing and anintimate knowledge of key target markets to deliver a range of winning products and business success. 

The partnership will build a new engine and vehicle platform in the mid-capacity range (200- 750cc) and offer multiple options to address different segments in this class. The proposition will be aspirational and affordable with a targeted pricing starting under INR 2 lacs in India. This will create a new entry point to the Triumph range around the world, and ensure Triumph can compete in important large segments of the global motorcycle market, and attract new customers to the brand. 

Triumph Motorcycles CEO, Nick Bloor, said: “This is an important partnership for Triumph and I am delighted that it has now formally commenced.  As well as taking our brand into crucial new territories, the products that will come out of the partnership will also help attract a younger, but still discerning, customer audience and is another step in our ambitions to expand globally, particularly in the fast-growing markets of South East Asia, but also driving growth in more mature territories like Europe.” 

Rajiv Bajaj, Managing Director of Bajaj Auto India, said: “The Triumph brand is an iconic one the world over. So, we are confident that there will be a huge appetite in India and other emerging markets for these new products. We look forward to working alongside such a famous motorcycle company and to leveraging each others strengths and expertise to make the relationship a success for everyone.” 

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