Racerkører Carlin Dunne død i tragisk ulykke
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Tragisk dødsulykke i løb

Ulykke tæt på målstregen dræber Carlin Dunne i Pikes Peak International Hill Climb
Mathias B. Høj
01/07-2019 kl. 08:02

Racerkøreren Carlin Dunne omkom i går ved en tragisk ulykke ved Pikes Peak konkurrencen i USA. Dødsulykken skete få meter fra målstregen.

Det er endnu uklart hvad ulykken skyldes, men ifølge vidner havde en forhøjning eller bump i vejen givet andre ryttere problemer i løbet af dagen. Denne forhøjning havde Carlin Dunne ramt i høj fart og mistet kontrollen over motorcyklen. Men der er endnu ikke kommet en officiel udmelding.

Carlin Dunne kørte på Ducati-prototypen Streetfighter V4 da ulykken indtraf. Forventningen var at han ville sætte ny rekord på den. Carlin Dunnes har tidligere vundet i Pikes Peak Hill Climb fire gange.

Både løbsorganisationen og Ducati har udsendt pressemeddelelser om den tragiske ulykke. Fra Ducati lyder det.

The collective hearts of the Colorado Springs community and the Board of Directors of The Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, along with Ducati North America, share the grief and pain of Carlin Dunne's family, friends and fans over his untimely death.

“Throughout the 97 years that this unique race has been conducted on America's Mountain, we have experienced the ultimate joy in victory, the disappointment of failure and now, the unexpected heartbreak of the loss of a competitor, whose love of the race brought him to Pikes Peak. We mourn the tragic death of Carlin and he will remain in our hearts forever as part of the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb family. Carlin will be remembered as a warm hearted mentor with a competitive spirit. He was a gentle and thoughtful man who touched everyone who met him. We will always remember his contagious smile and genuine love for sport”. The Board of Directors of the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.

“There are no words to describe our shock and sadness. Carlin was part of our family and one of the most genuine and kind men we have ever known. His spirit for this event and love of motorcycling will be remembered forever as his passing leaves a hole in our hearts,” said Jason Chinnock, CEO Ducati North America.

With our deepest condolence.

Kilde: The Denver Post & Ducati.

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