Kawasaki smugler narkotika - World Superbike stoppet
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Kawasaki smugler narkotika

Kawasakis fabriksteam i World Superbike taget som smuglere
Tommy Rønn
03/05-2011 kl. 09:00

Ifølge den engelske avis The Telegraph er Kawasakis teamlastbiler fra Paul Bird Motorsport, taget ved indkørsel til England af tolderne. Historien er først sluppet ud nu, men det menes dette er sket i forbindelse med den engelske Grand Prix.

I lastbilerne fandt tolderne store mængder ulovlige rusmidler. 71 kg amfetamin, 100 kg marijuana og 8 kg kokain. Så store mængder at det næppe er lovlige stoffer til sygdomsbehandling, eller forbeholdt eget forbrug.

Ydermere fandt tolderne en pistol og 35 kugler.

Tolderne og politi ved endnu ikke om det er Kawasaki eller fremmede der har placeret ulovlighederne på lastbilerne. Retssagen er endnu ikke færdigbehandlet.

Paul Bird Motorsport er kommet med en officiel erklæring efter fundet.:

Following media speculation, Paul Bird Motorsport can confirm that a quantity of banned substances had been deposited in a race transporter while the vehicle was in Holland attending the recent Assen World Superbike event. 

The substances, along with a number of other illegal items, were discovered upon the vehicle’s return to the UK at the port of Dover during a routine examination by HM Customs.

Naturally, the discovery came as a shock to the whole team, including those who were present during the search. The team are confident that no team member has any connection whatsoever with the items discovered. No one has been detained after the time of the search and all team members are able to undertake their normal duties.

There is no suggestion of the Paul Bird Motorsport Team being involved in illegal activities and no other team members have been interviewed following the incident. The team staff present at the time of the search and discovery enjoy the full support and confidence of the team and all involved are determined to offer their full cooperation to HM Customs in their ongoing investigations.

Understandably, the team are now taking stringent measures to increase the security of their vehicles as they travel throughout Europe in future. Despite the personal effect on the team, Paul Bird Motorsport will be attending the next World Superbike event at Monza, Italy at full strength and with a determination to focus on the Championship.

Kilde: World SBK

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