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BMW Motorrad Tage 2022

Afvikles i Berlin 2.-3. Juli 2022
Steffen Olesen
11/10-2021 kl. 10:32

BMW Motorrad Tage eller BMW Motorrad Days vender efter aflysninger i både 2020 og 2021 tilbage som udflugtsmål og samlingspunkt for BMW-entusiaster i 2022.
Men det bliver i nye omgivelser.
Det fortæller BMW Motorrad, som oplyser at arrangementet i år afvikles 2.-3. Juli 2022 i Summer Garten afdelingen ved Messe Berlin.

Over de to dage vil de besøgende kunne se alle nyhederne fra BMW, få mulighed for prøvekøre nye BMW motorcykler, der vil være spektakulær stuntkørsel, man kan få et indblik bag scenen ved rundvisning i BMW Motorrads produktion, flere motorsports berømtheder møder op og meget mere.
Gæsterne ved BMW Motorrad Days 2022 kan i følge arrangørens beskrivelse se frem til aktiviteter med et program som er mere varieret end nogensinde før.
Det er i hvert fald hvad BMW Motorrad beskriver i pressemeddelelsen som annoncer næste års BMW Motorrad Tage.

Se mere om BMW Motorrad Days på denne hjemmeside som BMW har dedikeret til arrangementet, eller læs eventuelt den fulde pressemeddelelse lige nedenunder.

Munich. For almost two decades now, attending the BMW Motorrad Days has been a must for motorcycle fans from all over the world. Visitors from countries such as the USA, Japan or Australia, sports, touring and enduro riders, customizing freaks or motorsports enthusiasts will all find their personal highlight to feel great and have loads of fun at the BMW Motorrad Days.

Following a two-year break – caused by the Covid 19 pandemic – BMW Motorrad invites fans and friends of the brand to the BMW Motorrad Days again on 2 and 3 July 2022. This time the location will be in the Summer Garden of the Messe Berlin trade fair grounds. The event will immediately follow the Pure&Crafted Festival, which will take place on 1 July 2022 at the same location and for which BMW Motorrad is once again the initiator and title sponsor.

Currently, the fourth edition of the Berlin Pure&Crafted Festival held on 17 and 18 September 2021 has already impressively shown that the new location in the heart of City-West has what it takes not only to become the permanent new home for the Pure&Crafted Festival, but at the same time also offers perfect conditions for the BMW Motorrad Days.

Dr. Markus Schramm, Head of BMW Motorrad: “The new concept is based on establishing a long-term presence at the BMW’s Berlin plant location with the BMW Motorrad Days. We can make use of the synergies with the already well-known and proven Pure&Crafted Festival. However, they will continue to be two separate and independent events: BMW Motorrad is a partner and sponsor of the Pure&Crafted Festival, while we host the BMW Motorrad Days, the brand’s biggest customer event worldwide, ourselves.”

On the first weekend of July next year, Pure&Crafted will offer its magic, charm and special moments to visitors already on Friday. As a unique event, the festival will thrill everyone attending with a distinctive mix of live music, motorcycle culture and new heritage lifestyle before the BMW Motorrad Days take the reins on Saturday and Sunday.

Lasting two days, the gathering will once again be dedicated entirely to the international BMW Motorrad fan community and riding fun on two wheels. In addition to new products, spectacular stunts, motorsports celebrities, test rides and a great deal more, guests can particularly look forward to the now legendary party atmosphere of the BMW Motorrad Days, garnished with a dash of Bavarian lifestyle. Visitors to the BMW Motorrad Days 2022 in Berlin can look forward to a varied programme of activities that is broader than ever. The tastes of both young and old are catered for with fun and high spirits being guaranteed for everyone.

The stunt shows push the limits of driving physics and in the original Motodrom, the oldest Wall of Death in the world, the great tradition of wall-of-death riding will be revived. Customizing fans will get their money’s worth in the Heritage Area where they can inspect a whole series of custom bikes and the respective equipment”.

On top of that, the Berlin hinterland can be explored by motorbike both onroad and offroad on organised tours with local guides. Once again in 2022 there will also be a wide selection of current BMW Motorrad models available for test rides.

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