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Snyderne vil snuppe dig dit køretøj
11/04-2011 kl. 14:45

Nu har snyderne også ramt 123. 123 er vidende om flere snydere, men for tiden er en vis Robert Leroy meget aktiv. Der er også andre snydere, men de er alle mindre aktive.

Snyderen udsender både emails og SMS til sælgerne på 123. Emails fra denne person er nu standset, men kun teleselskaberne kan standse SMS. Skifter snyderen email adresse kan snyderiet genoptages.

Snyd er let at forholde sig til. Alle købstilbud fra udlandet er som tommelfingerregel snyd, og bør straks slettes. 

123 arbejder konstant på at standse disse snydere, men nogle vil altid slippe igennem nåleøjet. Derfor er sund fornuft blandt sælgerne også vigtig.

Eksempel på email:
I am a marine biologist and I'm in the ship right now.I will not be able to call you and inspect but i am much please with the description and I believe i can trust you with that.I would want you to know that i will be paying via PayPal and i would pay the paypal transfer charges too…due to the distance as i'm in Atlantic Sea presently…I want you to provide me with the following information for me to proceed with the Payment… Name Your PayPal e-Mail Address : Amount I would like you to know that after i make the payment i would tell my Private Courier Service to come and pick it up at your address once you receive the payment into your PayPal account. Have a nice day.I will be adding the 3.9% PayPal surcharge to the total amount i will be paying you.

Eksempel på SMS:

Hi i saw your BIKE on is this your BIKE avaliable for sale ? reply me back to [email protected] for more discussion.

Opdages snyd vil 123 gerne informeres på [email protected]

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